It takes a lot of effort and time to reach our success. Step by step to reach the top that the dreams that we wanted. We all started at the lowest point in our lives to reach the success that we wanted. It’s easy to draw and list the things and dreams that we wish for, but it’s not easy to get that. You first need to go through the small hole of the needle.

On the seminar Career Insights, the seven successful speakers share their tips or advices that was based on their experiences on how did they fulfill their dreams and how you’ll face the real world. Here are some lines which I think that it will help.

In school, work and in everything that we place ourselves, sometimes we feel insecure right? It’s because sometimes they’re rich or they came from a popular school that you don’t. “IN REAL WORD WE ARE ALL THE SAME”- it is stated by one of the speakers; diplomas, achievements, medals or how rich you are doesn’t define your success, when you step out from the real word.

If there is anybody in this world who should know our self better is no other but us. Our secrets, ambitions and aspirations are stored and hidden in the deepest recesses of our minds. Therefore, it is important for us to understand our self to discover and use our greatest potential in order to achieve what we want in life. Understanding our self would also mean recognizing our limitations and accepting our faults in an appropriate manner. in this life , there will be a lot of trials along the way, if we understand ourselves and know our capabilities then we will able to have the strength & confidence to rise again every time we fall. After all this is life all about.
We should embrace all the things that we’ve learned. It is good to see that you know a lot of things. And different situation, if someone corrects you accept it, embrace it. Sometimes they just correcting your wrong for the next, you know how. 
It is often said that life is full of challenges. These challenges may be in for m of problems, trials, or hindrances that may sometimes cause us to lose hope and may even destroy our will to go on. Nut these challenges are just natural species in our real world. The Holy Bible says in Corinthian 10:13 that, “No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone , God is faithful and He will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing, He will also provide the way out that you may be able to endure it.” Everyone face challenges in life however, each one of us also has his own way in dealing with challenges. We either take it in a negative or positive way. By having a positive attitude we look at each challenge as learning experience, to grow and improve ourselves. Like a precious gem that was just subjected to extreme heat and pounding before reaching it’s perfectly crafted state. Life’s rewarding comes only after overcoming life challenges.
As social beings each person aims to be accepted or feel belong, whether it be inside the home, school, workplace or in the society in general. That is why each and every one of us tries to do our best to perform the task given to us with utmost care and efficiency in order to be acceptable and pleasing in the eyes of the people. But there are times when despite our effort we still encounter the rejection. But to be rejected doesn’t mean we are less a person, accepting rejection should mean a motivation for us to be better person & to do better instead of sulking and wallowing in self- pity. One should see rejection as an inspiration to improve our performance and try harder in our journey towards acceptance. Let each rejection be an eye opener for us to recognize our mistakes and shortcomings thus, consider it as every chance for self-improvement.

    In order to succeed you must learn and master all your failures.We are the one who’s holding our future.And now as a student wondering how to be bind the approach of life in front of the real world after graduation. And I can say all of these tips will be possible when you believe that you can do it.

  Let me end this with You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won’t happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.” – by Joel Osteen

By: Maria Carmela Bianca N. Zapata


 Student life has ended and now we're about to enter a new world which is called "Career". In every ending comes a new beginning. What should we think of when it comes to landing our first job? There will be a lot of things that's gonna go through your mind once we step into the real world and it can be really terrifying once we see what it's like out there, but that doesn't mean we should stop trying to reach our goal!  Here are several things that you should remember.

  • It's okay to make mistakes. 

 – Mistakes are proof that you're trying. Nobody is perfect and we become wiser once we learn our lesson from it. It's about how you correct the mistakes that you've done and not by how we made them. 

  • Learn how to work professionally with people you hate. 

That kid that called you fat could be right in front of you, serving you food and calling you ma'am/sir. What comes around goes around, so be nice to everyone. And you'll meet a lot of people with different attitude and it's your job to stay cool with it. Be professional. 

  • Realize saying "NO" is okay.  

  – If you don't want to do something that doesn't really inspire or support you, then it's okay to say no to these offers or requests. What matters is that what you're doing is something that you really like/love. 

  • Make peace with math. 

–  I know it's hard, but it's a must! We're gonna be surrounded with numbers our entire life! (Ahem, salary is a good example of number *winks*) 

  • Career is not just about money. 

  – Learning your soon-to-be discovered strengths and weaknesses that will only make you grow as an individual. It's also about loving what you're doing and not just by all the digits that you're getting. 


JUST WEEKS ago, I wrote a column for our college’s student publication’s upcoming magazine issue. The article was about people’s occasional inclination to intentionally disregard and forget even relevant things just because of life’s rigors.

     Personally, I have done such thing. I admit that at one point I neglected my passions because of how bad my life has gone for a moment. The ‘flames’ gradually diminished for some reason, so I thought that they will matter no more.


     On Saturday, an event was held at our university to show a glimpse of further opportunities that await us in the field of public relations (PR) and digital media.

     Amid all the communication-related discussions, this life lesson uttered by one of the speakers really struck me: “Make life choices that you can fight for,” Nico Reyes, a PR professional said. 

     An impulse of thoughts rushed in my head. Wasn’t this sort of a perfect indirect response to my abovementioned column and the realizations I had therein? 


     Through the years, I’ve had a handful of passions. Ever since I was young, I’ve always loved analyzing art pieces despite my lack of skill for producing such. In my grade school days, I recall how I was excelling in our Social Studies subject because of my interest in current events especially about politics. Circa 2010, I’ve started to be enthusiastic about photography and videography. And the following year, that’s when I’ve found my liking for clothes and anything that’s fashion related.

     As I entered college, I was really torn on what among my passions I should pursue. And yah, I entered the field of communications. Okay, honestly, like what I said during numerous classroom introductions, the course wasn’t my first choice. But you know I came love it anyways.

     Now that I’m about to take a giant leap in life again as graduation day is just around the corner, I have to make another significant choice in my life.  Right now, I tell you it is a struggle.


     I came to realize: What could I fight for? What should I fight for?

     Although the event on Saturday was a guide on alternative professional careers to take, I have been thinking since, not what job I should have, but where else I could learn?

     I mean, I want to study once again.

     And with the quote from Nico Reyes boosting my passion for learning anew, I thought to myself that there’s no point not fighting for it. Why shouldn’t I give it try?

     Well, in a few months time, I’ll be able to know if I’ll have the courage. I wish the spirits of Nelson Mandela or even the young Malala Yousafzai would possess or transfer on to me somehow.  

By: Mary L. Miranda

I must admit that I am a little terrified of the unknown or the future. I am a graduating college student who is taking up a Bachelor in Art’s Degree in Communication. I have more or less five months left before I graduate. I am like a child who is swimming for the very first time. I look at the swimming pool with insecurity, curiosity and excitement. I don’t know how deep it is. I don’t know if I will be able to swim or if I will drown. But I guess the feeling of exploring different possibilities is what makes the dive worth it.

I have been taught by my parents to expect the unexpected and that when in doubt, just pray. I have always done this in the past but it doesn’t seem to work this time around. I am headed not just for a new beginning but a new definition of LIFE. But the fear of the future does not come from whether after college, I will get employed or not… but it comes from whether I am good enough for the real world. Am I equipped with the right skills and knowledge to face the real world? Am I ready?

During the Career Insights seminar which I attended (and hosted), I listened intently to the different guest speakers to find the answers to the questions in my head. Here are the following important lessons I have learned that I believe will also help you:

This is important because following your passion will land you a job that you love. You should follow your heart. Because at the end of the day, it isn’t really about the money… it’s about waking up every day to do what you love and love what you do.

Limitations do not make you weak. It is actually an opportunity for you to grow. Knowing what you can’t do can help you figure out what you need to improve to become a better version of yourself. In everything that you do, you must always try to achieve and learn more. This will ultimately help you in your growth and development.

This is what you need to understand and remember. The only thing that doesn’t change is change. And when change comes, you must be willing to welcome it with open arms. Change brings both good and bad opportunities but the best thing about it is that it makes life better and more interesting.

With all these key learnings in mind, I now face the future with a brave heart and an open mind. I realized that you can never really be ready for the future so the best thing to do is to prepare for whatever the future has planned. I make the decisions and I control my life. How about you? Are you prepared to face YOUR future?

FOR A graduating student who is tired of the MassCOMM-portable denigration, last Saturday's affair dubbed as "Career Insights: PR and Digital Media Jobs for Communication Graduates" has given many reasons why one should love Communication. As my senior year comes at its dawn, these talks turn to be relevant and necessary as soon, I may venture my career path. And to have seven people who come from the same place from where I am now and now thrive on the road they have chosen is inexplicable.

     So, out of all the things you could take from that day's affair, I've rounded up five essential advice that I took from the discussions of the seven speakers.   


"YOU have an EDGE." - Nicolai V. Reyes, PR Professional
In the corporate realm, we are shattered about the "limited" possibilites of finding jobs related to the course, kesyo GMA, ABS, sa radyo lang yan, mahihirapan pang makapasok yan ... But through it all, the seven Communication graduates proved that the course is one of the most flexible courses that one could ever take. It may not be as bloody as pre-med courses or as analytical as Engineering courses, but Communication is nothing to be belittled.

"Past is not just past." - Cherry Ann Mungcal, Senior Digital & Creative Executive
Every single thing that we have learned, every experiences that taught us something, every person we have met correspond to us becoming a wiser, braver, and better individual. So it is not fitting to just leave them behind a treasure chest. We must always be reminded by the essence of these past possessions to keep us moving further on our career. As long as we do not dwell on them, the past will be like a friend a long the way; teaching you the necessities of how to succeed.

"Complacency is your greatest enemy." - Michael Tiotuico, Content & Marketing Specialist  
It is great pride to achieve something from your hard work but we should not stop learning. The world is an oyster where we can explore things and with the ease of knowledge brought by the Internet, learning becomes limitless. We should not rest alone on what we know now; we should continue expanding our thoughts and insights from what we read, what we do, or whom we meet. 

"Don't be afraid to fail and to embrace new things." - Jeremy Cortez, Senior Training Specialist 
You may find a great job that is not your expertise or not in your line of interest, but what is learning for? Through the advent of modern technology, people can acquire skills via massive open online courses (MOOCs) or researches. Indeed, there can never be any excuse to not know something. Sometimes, it's difficult to master something new but as articulated by Lucius Annaeus Senaca, "it is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness". From then on, fake it 'til you become it.  

"Always be a better version of yourself." - Jeremy Cortez, Senior Training Specialist 
Nobody wants to be labeled as "mediocre," so you need to overcome your fears and insecurities so as you can offer your best foot forward. It's not about toppling other people or getting awards for your work, but it's about taking down your sole competition, yourself. 


The premise of the event repainted my thoughts about the course; I should be more proud and unashamed of it. More so, the passion of these seven graduates to uplift the course transpired as their talks went by. Maybe all was asked of them was to give a brief career talk, maybe they would've stick on that, but they had done more; they inspired and enlightened us that Communication students were never MassCommportable but MassCommpetitive. It was a true sign of a Comm-blooded individual. I was beyond grateful that the event had happened and met these amazingly successful people. It got me thinking, "Could I be next?"

Aspire. Arise. Achieve.

Whenever someone speaks or talks in front, sharing about his life and profession, especially during Career Insights Seminar. 

Questions are popping up in your mind. What if I’m not good as him? What If I’m not as efficient, as intelligent as the speaker is? Can I still make it?

See, you got so many queries, but you didn’t even have the guts to ask coz’ it just might expose your weaknesses and fears in the midst of a good number of people.

As a communication student, there are many things you need to do, many opportunities to grab and many chances to grasp. You can be in Film, TV, Radio, Newspaper, Advertising, PR and Digital Media.

So many choices and you don’t know which one to take.

Some medium have turned obsolete, but more arises and becomes relevant.

But what really are Communication Student/ Graduate for? What do you really have to do? Is there any definite path to take, to be able to say you succeed?

Wherever you go, whatever you do, communication is not just meant to be done in front of the camera, written in scripts or more so, but as long as you speak your mind and share your insights that already measures your ability as a Communication student.             

But in reality, speaking in front of the class, sharing your thoughts is on the list of your greatest fear as a student and also to some Comm. student. But why, something that should have been natural for an AB Comm has turned out to be one that brings inhibitions and apprehensions. 

Realizing that you’ve spent 4 years in College and you still think you can’t do it, and it is all because you are afraid to fail. You don’t want the feeling of getting criticized or judged because you think that they are better than you and you will never be good enough to accomplish what they’ve done. 

But in reality, you’ve never even tried to do what they do because of that killer fear and insecurity.

If you never try, you’ll never know if you can, or if you are even meant to be in that field. Trying will help you know where to go, and failing is part of trying. 

But your failures while you are on your way to success are not the things that will be recognized, it is still in the end and where you are going to stand will measure your success. 

                                         o-o-o ANN MALIT o-o-o

WE ALL have different definitions of love, but do you know what The Holy Book says about it. Can it still be applied in our daily lives?
Despite the dramatically fast-changing world, The Bible never loses its relevance, especially about this all-time favorite topic, love.
We rounded up 6 of the most essential meanings of love according to God’s words. 


Love in all definition – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

This verse may ring a bell. Why not? It is the most typical but probably, the most precise meaning, as it qualifies love on its earnest sense. We usually use these words to express our feelings to the one we love. It defines everything about the attitude of love. This explains what the real meaning of love is. Love is unconditional.

    Love over money - Matthew 6:24

Money can make the world go round but God will be the most powerful source of all. In some instances, people are lured with the price and the prestige, but then again, these are nothing with the blessings from The Almighty.
As said on Jessie J’s “Price Tag,” “Money can’t buy us happiness.” Although you are rich in material possessions, you can’t still have everything. Remember, money can’t buy the purest form of love. Love is priceless.

   Love your enemy - Luke 6:35

In as much as we dislike a person for all the things he/she has done against you, we still need to offer forgiveness.  Revenge can never satisfy men. We shall remember that doing bad things to the one who hurt us is like throwing gasoline to a fire; it will never do us any good. Have compassion. Whenever you feel anger seeping in, ask God for clarity and peace. Love forgives and understands.

Love for a friend - John 15:13

There are a lot of words to define our friends. But what is the best way to describe them? Friends are the ones who we can’t go without. We are so comfortable to show and tell everything. You both know the craziest things about each other. Truly, love for friendship surpasses self-doubts, fears, and loneliness. And with God, friendship is more than just having company but taking a bullet for your companions. Love is being a shoulder to lean on.

Love of God - John 3:16

He sacrificed Himself to save us from our sins. He accepted all the pains and punishments for us to be saved. God did that because of His unquestionable love for us. And that is more than enough to believe that He is Our Saviour. Love is sacrifice.

Love in return - Luke 6:31

   Pay it forward. Share what you have without asking something in return. Some may see it as ambitious, but through we can spread our impact for the world to see. Like what Sai Baba says: “Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.” Our lifetime may not be perfect but it sure never be worthless as long as we live an imprint that we lived a life that followed God’s will. 


It’s amazing that love can mean so much for us. Therefore, we cannot say that love can only suggest one thing. God loves us in many ways and teaches us the goodness that love can bring; it is up to us to see their worth. 

HEART SKIPS a beat, butterflies fly in your stomach, face lights up, and smile runs from ear to ear - these are some of the signs that you are in love - but are they? 
      Love and infatuation are two of the things that confuse us when we're dealing with our emotions. While both make our hearts quiver, these two are different in their own special ways. In this post, we’ll discuss 6 things that separate infatuation from love.  

Infatuation is attraction; love is affection.

Infatuation is all about the physical things— mesmerizing eyes, a perfect jawline and a hot body. You feel it in an instant. Maybe it could also encompass a few weeks and months of dating or being together and telling cheesy lines — “I’ve never felt anything like this”, “This is the first time that I did this for someone”, and say how much you love one another?
Love, on the other hand, takes time to actually develop. And it’s more than meets the eye; it’s being attracted to them physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It’s letting that person see all the layers that’s within you. It is also analyzing first the ingenuity of your feelings before making a conclusion. 

Infatuation is selfish; love is selfless.

It’s all about you. You start to come up with those cheesy scenario in your head and expect a lot of good things to happen, and if you get disappointed with the outcomes, you feel blue. You also try to control that person. It’s about take, take, take. While in love, it’s all give and take. What’s mine is yours and vice versa. There’s a little jealousy but you don’t let that get in the way. 

Infatuation is perfect; love is imperfectly perfect.

When you're infatuated, you try so hard to impress that person that what you show sometimes seems too good to be true. You find yourself constantly believing that if this person sees the real face behind the mask, he/she might walk away. And when that time comes that the real you is slowly revealing, you tend to demand to change the way he/she is. 
The best thing about love is you get to enjoy being yourselves in each other’s company. You peel off all the positives and reveal all the negatives without getting leery of their reactions because at the end of the day, you know that they’ll love you no matter what. And you don’t need to demand  for them to change because they will change for the better even without telling them. 

Infatuation is avoiding; love is working together.

You dodge problems because you’re frightened that it can either make or break everything. It connects with #3, learning how someone reacts once he/she is upset. That’s why you try to pass all the arguments and when it hits you, you suddenly explode and all those hidden pain will come up and that’s where things get shaky. Love is working together through the hurricanes and steady breezes, surviving all challenges hand in hand. You’re not afraid of the problems because you know it will only make the relationship stronger. It’s that “me and you against the world” feeling.

Infatuation is fairytale; love is reality.

Those happily-ever-after endings on movies show only one side of the story; they leave us completely curious about what happens next. And of course, we’ll have this wishful thinking that we’d get to experience those fairytale-like situations and imagining that we’ll always be sitting on cloud nine with our significant other while feeding each other with the sweetest words. It’s when all the things that you want to happen are all laughs, cute moments, those Nicholas Sparks-scenarios. You only want the good things, you’re always there in their best times but it’s different when worst times come. It’s all different with love, you know that it’s not always going to be rainbows and unicorns; it’s like Halloween — terrifying but joyous (for the sweet treats). Love is all about reality, you know what may come up and you’ll be there to catch not only each other’s back but front as well, supporting one another. 

Infatuation is doubt; love is trust.

You see a tagged photo of him/her with an another girl/boy and in an instant you go from girlfriend/boyfriend to a detective. You’ll search anything and everything about this girl/boy and would eventually overthink which will lead in assuming things. Your insecurities blurs your mind and let it get to you. You become needy by sending tons of texts and get upset if they don’t reply immediately. You doubt his words and actions. When you’re in love with someone, you trust him/her because you know that he won’t do anything stupid, simply because you know each other well enough. Trust is the foundation of a relationship; if you don’t trust your partner then it simply means you’re not in love with them.


It’s not wrong to be infatuated to someone as long as you know that you’re feeling for someone is true. Everything related to love is complex. One minute it could be true love you are experiencing and then the next it’s just infatuation after all. But don’t worry, love is a process and that infatuation that you’re feeling could lead to love.


Photos/gifs are grabbed from and Credits are due to their respective owners.
Lola Nidora says, "Huwag magmadali. Ang lahat ng bagay ay nasa tamang panahon." 
Photo credit: Pinoy Exchange

THE ALDUB Phenomenon has struck the country not only with entertainment but also with life lessons. One of these lessons is about Lola Nidora’s “tamang panahon” or “the right time.” But when is really the right time to fall in love? Here are some of the moments that will help you determine when the right time on falling in love is.


When you learn to love yourself

You don’t fall in love with someone just because you want them to make you feel beautiful or to remind you how amazing you are. It all starts from within. Turn down those self-pity or self-deprecation moments because if you don’t love yourself, how on earth can you love somebody else?

When you are contented


Feeling contented means being happy of what you have: physically, financially and mentally. You need to feel that you are enough to make someone fall in love with you because if you don’t, you’ll just end up feeling insecure of others while you are in a relationship.

When the past is past

If you have been in a relationship before, you need to be ready to fall in love again without thinking about your ex or hoping that you’ll be back together. Flip the next page and start a new chapter!

When your dreams are clear


You should dream for yourself before falling in love. You should have a clear mindset of what you want to pursue in life, so as you can share it to your future behalf and maybe, he/she will support you. Remember, it is not always about him/her; it is also about you.

When you didn’t  desperately search for it

If you go looking for love you won’t see the right thing about it because when you look for it, you don’t see the possibilities ahead of you. When you look for it you have desperation to fall in love that can make you stay with the person who isn’t enough for you. It all takes a little patience because as they say, “Good things come from those who wait” – don’t you think?


        Falling in love comes in its own time. It may just hit you when you least expect it. But one thing is for sure, you don’t need to fall in love just for the sake of falling; you can have it just as you need or want it – on the right time.


Special thanks to Des and Today's Trending  Links for the GIFs.

ROMANCE IS undoubtedly one of the most recurrent (and overrated) themes in films. Don’t you agree? But one of the great things about romance films is that they give you indirect advice in your own relationships especially if you are experiencing difficulties at the moment. Moreover, they give you hope especially on films with happy-ever-after endings. Romance films also serve as platforms for creating your own fantasies or in Taylor Swift’s own words, “wishful thinking.”

       You probably thought and you might believe that you’ve heard and seen it all from “The Notebook” or “The Fault in our Stars.” BUT there are still movies that WILL give you the SAME heart-breaking yet “kilig”-to-the-bones emotions like the classics did.

       You don’t believe? Well, you should definitely tune in to these trending romance films that will come out next year!


The Choice
February 5, 2016

Based on the 2007 novel by Nicholas Sparks, “The Choice” follows the journey of neighbours-turned-lovers Travis and Gabby. But after a car accident leaves Gabby in a comatose, Travis must choose whether to discontinue Gabby’s life support or take his chances and trust in their love.

The film is directed by Ross Katz. Among the cast are stars Benjamin Walker, Teresa Palmer, Tom Welling , Alexandra Daddario, and Maggie Grace.

How To Be Single
February 12, 2016

Based on the 2008 novel by Liz Tuccillo, “How To Be Single” focuses on a writer who is exploring the lives of five single New York women. She suddenly finds herself mixed up in an international affair while doing research abroad.

This is a follow up to the 2009 hit film “He’s Not That Into You” based on the novel of the same author.

The film is directed by Christian Ditter, “Love, Rosie” director. It stars Dakota Johnson, Lily Collins, Rebel Wilson, Leslie Mann, and Alison Brie.

Me Before You 
June 3, 2016

Based on the 2012 novel by Jojo Moyes, “Me Before You” tells the story of Will Traynor, a successful and happy man who has everything in life. But his world falls apart after being involved in a car accident that leaves him quadriplegic. He then meets Louisa Clark, a twenty-six-year-old girl, who just got fired from her job at a cafĂ© and gets hired by Will’s mother to be Will’s caretaker.

It stars Sam Claflin, Emilia Clarke, and Matthew Lewis, under the direction of acclaimed theater director, Thea Sharrock.

La La Land
July 15, 2016

Set in modern-day Los Angeles, “La La Land” follows the story of Sebastian, a jazz pianist, and Mia, an actress, who are both drawn to each other because of their passion for what they love to do. But then success, decisions, and their dreams threaten to destroy their fragile love affair.

The film is written and directed by Academy nominated director and screenwriter, Damien Chazelle, who also wrote and directed the Academy award winning film, “Whiplash.” The film stars Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, J.K. Simmons, Finn Wittrock, and singer-songwriter, John Legend.

From starring together in “Crazy, Stupid, Love” (2011) and “Gangster Squad” (2013), this film marks the third time that Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone will share the screen together.

December 21, 2016

To be released by Columbia Pictures, “Passengers” shows the story of a spacecraft travelling to a distant colony planet while transporting thousands of people inside. Along the journey, a malfunction in one of its sleep chambers results to a single passenger awakened 60 years earlier. Faced with the prospect of growing old and dying alone, he eventually decides to wake up a second passenger.

 “The Imitation Game” director, Morten Tyldum, directed this film. It stars Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt, and Michael Sheen.


         See?  You definitely haven’t seen and heard it all!

    You should know that romance films usually explore different themes of love: love at first sight, forbidden or unrequited love, passionate love, and also tragic love among many others. And because this is true, there are still more love stories that have yet to be known to the world.

     2016 is definitely going to be great year with all these romance films. Now, ready your wallets for cinema tickets and a bucket of buttered popcorn, and get ready to fall in love all over again!


Media in this blog post are from and Credits are due to their respective owners.