Infatuation vs. Love

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HEART SKIPS a beat, butterflies fly in your stomach, face lights up, and smile runs from ear to ear - these are some of the signs that you are in love - but are they? 
      Love and infatuation are two of the things that confuse us when we're dealing with our emotions. While both make our hearts quiver, these two are different in their own special ways. In this post, we’ll discuss 6 things that separate infatuation from love.  

Infatuation is attraction; love is affection.

Infatuation is all about the physical things— mesmerizing eyes, a perfect jawline and a hot body. You feel it in an instant. Maybe it could also encompass a few weeks and months of dating or being together and telling cheesy lines — “I’ve never felt anything like this”, “This is the first time that I did this for someone”, and say how much you love one another?
Love, on the other hand, takes time to actually develop. And it’s more than meets the eye; it’s being attracted to them physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It’s letting that person see all the layers that’s within you. It is also analyzing first the ingenuity of your feelings before making a conclusion. 

Infatuation is selfish; love is selfless.

It’s all about you. You start to come up with those cheesy scenario in your head and expect a lot of good things to happen, and if you get disappointed with the outcomes, you feel blue. You also try to control that person. It’s about take, take, take. While in love, it’s all give and take. What’s mine is yours and vice versa. There’s a little jealousy but you don’t let that get in the way. 

Infatuation is perfect; love is imperfectly perfect.

When you're infatuated, you try so hard to impress that person that what you show sometimes seems too good to be true. You find yourself constantly believing that if this person sees the real face behind the mask, he/she might walk away. And when that time comes that the real you is slowly revealing, you tend to demand to change the way he/she is. 
The best thing about love is you get to enjoy being yourselves in each other’s company. You peel off all the positives and reveal all the negatives without getting leery of their reactions because at the end of the day, you know that they’ll love you no matter what. And you don’t need to demand  for them to change because they will change for the better even without telling them. 

Infatuation is avoiding; love is working together.

You dodge problems because you’re frightened that it can either make or break everything. It connects with #3, learning how someone reacts once he/she is upset. That’s why you try to pass all the arguments and when it hits you, you suddenly explode and all those hidden pain will come up and that’s where things get shaky. Love is working together through the hurricanes and steady breezes, surviving all challenges hand in hand. You’re not afraid of the problems because you know it will only make the relationship stronger. It’s that “me and you against the world” feeling.

Infatuation is fairytale; love is reality.

Those happily-ever-after endings on movies show only one side of the story; they leave us completely curious about what happens next. And of course, we’ll have this wishful thinking that we’d get to experience those fairytale-like situations and imagining that we’ll always be sitting on cloud nine with our significant other while feeding each other with the sweetest words. It’s when all the things that you want to happen are all laughs, cute moments, those Nicholas Sparks-scenarios. You only want the good things, you’re always there in their best times but it’s different when worst times come. It’s all different with love, you know that it’s not always going to be rainbows and unicorns; it’s like Halloween — terrifying but joyous (for the sweet treats). Love is all about reality, you know what may come up and you’ll be there to catch not only each other’s back but front as well, supporting one another. 

Infatuation is doubt; love is trust.

You see a tagged photo of him/her with an another girl/boy and in an instant you go from girlfriend/boyfriend to a detective. You’ll search anything and everything about this girl/boy and would eventually overthink which will lead in assuming things. Your insecurities blurs your mind and let it get to you. You become needy by sending tons of texts and get upset if they don’t reply immediately. You doubt his words and actions. When you’re in love with someone, you trust him/her because you know that he won’t do anything stupid, simply because you know each other well enough. Trust is the foundation of a relationship; if you don’t trust your partner then it simply means you’re not in love with them.


It’s not wrong to be infatuated to someone as long as you know that you’re feeling for someone is true. Everything related to love is complex. One minute it could be true love you are experiencing and then the next it’s just infatuation after all. But don’t worry, love is a process and that infatuation that you’re feeling could lead to love.


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