Road to Success: Life after Graduation

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It takes a lot of effort and time to reach our success. Step by step to reach the top that the dreams that we wanted. We all started at the lowest point in our lives to reach the success that we wanted. It’s easy to draw and list the things and dreams that we wish for, but it’s not easy to get that. You first need to go through the small hole of the needle.

On the seminar Career Insights, the seven successful speakers share their tips or advices that was based on their experiences on how did they fulfill their dreams and how you’ll face the real world. Here are some lines which I think that it will help.

In school, work and in everything that we place ourselves, sometimes we feel insecure right? It’s because sometimes they’re rich or they came from a popular school that you don’t. “IN REAL WORD WE ARE ALL THE SAME”- it is stated by one of the speakers; diplomas, achievements, medals or how rich you are doesn’t define your success, when you step out from the real word.

If there is anybody in this world who should know our self better is no other but us. Our secrets, ambitions and aspirations are stored and hidden in the deepest recesses of our minds. Therefore, it is important for us to understand our self to discover and use our greatest potential in order to achieve what we want in life. Understanding our self would also mean recognizing our limitations and accepting our faults in an appropriate manner. in this life , there will be a lot of trials along the way, if we understand ourselves and know our capabilities then we will able to have the strength & confidence to rise again every time we fall. After all this is life all about.
We should embrace all the things that we’ve learned. It is good to see that you know a lot of things. And different situation, if someone corrects you accept it, embrace it. Sometimes they just correcting your wrong for the next, you know how. 
It is often said that life is full of challenges. These challenges may be in for m of problems, trials, or hindrances that may sometimes cause us to lose hope and may even destroy our will to go on. Nut these challenges are just natural species in our real world. The Holy Bible says in Corinthian 10:13 that, “No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone , God is faithful and He will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing, He will also provide the way out that you may be able to endure it.” Everyone face challenges in life however, each one of us also has his own way in dealing with challenges. We either take it in a negative or positive way. By having a positive attitude we look at each challenge as learning experience, to grow and improve ourselves. Like a precious gem that was just subjected to extreme heat and pounding before reaching it’s perfectly crafted state. Life’s rewarding comes only after overcoming life challenges.
As social beings each person aims to be accepted or feel belong, whether it be inside the home, school, workplace or in the society in general. That is why each and every one of us tries to do our best to perform the task given to us with utmost care and efficiency in order to be acceptable and pleasing in the eyes of the people. But there are times when despite our effort we still encounter the rejection. But to be rejected doesn’t mean we are less a person, accepting rejection should mean a motivation for us to be better person & to do better instead of sulking and wallowing in self- pity. One should see rejection as an inspiration to improve our performance and try harder in our journey towards acceptance. Let each rejection be an eye opener for us to recognize our mistakes and shortcomings thus, consider it as every chance for self-improvement.

    In order to succeed you must learn and master all your failures.We are the one who’s holding our future.And now as a student wondering how to be bind the approach of life in front of the real world after graduation. And I can say all of these tips will be possible when you believe that you can do it.

  Let me end this with You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won’t happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.” – by Joel Osteen


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