Are you prepared to face YOUR future?

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By: Mary L. Miranda

I must admit that I am a little terrified of the unknown or the future. I am a graduating college student who is taking up a Bachelor in Art’s Degree in Communication. I have more or less five months left before I graduate. I am like a child who is swimming for the very first time. I look at the swimming pool with insecurity, curiosity and excitement. I don’t know how deep it is. I don’t know if I will be able to swim or if I will drown. But I guess the feeling of exploring different possibilities is what makes the dive worth it.

I have been taught by my parents to expect the unexpected and that when in doubt, just pray. I have always done this in the past but it doesn’t seem to work this time around. I am headed not just for a new beginning but a new definition of LIFE. But the fear of the future does not come from whether after college, I will get employed or not… but it comes from whether I am good enough for the real world. Am I equipped with the right skills and knowledge to face the real world? Am I ready?

During the Career Insights seminar which I attended (and hosted), I listened intently to the different guest speakers to find the answers to the questions in my head. Here are the following important lessons I have learned that I believe will also help you:

This is important because following your passion will land you a job that you love. You should follow your heart. Because at the end of the day, it isn’t really about the money… it’s about waking up every day to do what you love and love what you do.

Limitations do not make you weak. It is actually an opportunity for you to grow. Knowing what you can’t do can help you figure out what you need to improve to become a better version of yourself. In everything that you do, you must always try to achieve and learn more. This will ultimately help you in your growth and development.

This is what you need to understand and remember. The only thing that doesn’t change is change. And when change comes, you must be willing to welcome it with open arms. Change brings both good and bad opportunities but the best thing about it is that it makes life better and more interesting.

With all these key learnings in mind, I now face the future with a brave heart and an open mind. I realized that you can never really be ready for the future so the best thing to do is to prepare for whatever the future has planned. I make the decisions and I control my life. How about you? Are you prepared to face YOUR future?

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