Fears and Insecurities – What do you have to do with it?

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Whenever someone speaks or talks in front, sharing about his life and profession, especially during Career Insights Seminar. 

Questions are popping up in your mind. What if I’m not good as him? What If I’m not as efficient, as intelligent as the speaker is? Can I still make it?

See, you got so many queries, but you didn’t even have the guts to ask coz’ it just might expose your weaknesses and fears in the midst of a good number of people.

As a communication student, there are many things you need to do, many opportunities to grab and many chances to grasp. You can be in Film, TV, Radio, Newspaper, Advertising, PR and Digital Media.

So many choices and you don’t know which one to take.

Some medium have turned obsolete, but more arises and becomes relevant.

But what really are Communication Student/ Graduate for? What do you really have to do? Is there any definite path to take, to be able to say you succeed?

Wherever you go, whatever you do, communication is not just meant to be done in front of the camera, written in scripts or more so, but as long as you speak your mind and share your insights that already measures your ability as a Communication student.             

But in reality, speaking in front of the class, sharing your thoughts is on the list of your greatest fear as a student and also to some Comm. student. But why, something that should have been natural for an AB Comm has turned out to be one that brings inhibitions and apprehensions. 

Realizing that you’ve spent 4 years in College and you still think you can’t do it, and it is all because you are afraid to fail. You don’t want the feeling of getting criticized or judged because you think that they are better than you and you will never be good enough to accomplish what they’ve done. 

But in reality, you’ve never even tried to do what they do because of that killer fear and insecurity.

If you never try, you’ll never know if you can, or if you are even meant to be in that field. Trying will help you know where to go, and failing is part of trying. 

But your failures while you are on your way to success are not the things that will be recognized, it is still in the end and where you are going to stand will measure your success. 

                                         o-o-o ANN MALIT o-o-o


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