“Make Life Choices That You Can Fight For”

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JUST WEEKS ago, I wrote a column for our college’s student publication’s upcoming magazine issue. The article was about people’s occasional inclination to intentionally disregard and forget even relevant things just because of life’s rigors.

     Personally, I have done such thing. I admit that at one point I neglected my passions because of how bad my life has gone for a moment. The ‘flames’ gradually diminished for some reason, so I thought that they will matter no more.


     On Saturday, an event was held at our university to show a glimpse of further opportunities that await us in the field of public relations (PR) and digital media.

     Amid all the communication-related discussions, this life lesson uttered by one of the speakers really struck me: “Make life choices that you can fight for,” Nico Reyes, a PR professional said. 

     An impulse of thoughts rushed in my head. Wasn’t this sort of a perfect indirect response to my abovementioned column and the realizations I had therein? 


     Through the years, I’ve had a handful of passions. Ever since I was young, I’ve always loved analyzing art pieces despite my lack of skill for producing such. In my grade school days, I recall how I was excelling in our Social Studies subject because of my interest in current events especially about politics. Circa 2010, I’ve started to be enthusiastic about photography and videography. And the following year, that’s when I’ve found my liking for clothes and anything that’s fashion related.

     As I entered college, I was really torn on what among my passions I should pursue. And yah, I entered the field of communications. Okay, honestly, like what I said during numerous classroom introductions, the course wasn’t my first choice. But you know I came love it anyways.

     Now that I’m about to take a giant leap in life again as graduation day is just around the corner, I have to make another significant choice in my life.  Right now, I tell you it is a struggle.


     I came to realize: What could I fight for? What should I fight for?

     Although the event on Saturday was a guide on alternative professional careers to take, I have been thinking since, not what job I should have, but where else I could learn?

     I mean, I want to study once again.

     And with the quote from Nico Reyes boosting my passion for learning anew, I thought to myself that there’s no point not fighting for it. Why shouldn’t I give it try?

     Well, in a few months time, I’ll be able to know if I’ll have the courage. I wish the spirits of Nelson Mandela or even the young Malala Yousafzai would possess or transfer on to me somehow.  


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