Loving Through The Lord's Language

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WE ALL have different definitions of love, but do you know what The Holy Book says about it. Can it still be applied in our daily lives?
Despite the dramatically fast-changing world, The Bible never loses its relevance, especially about this all-time favorite topic, love.
We rounded up 6 of the most essential meanings of love according to God’s words. 


Love in all definition – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

This verse may ring a bell. Why not? It is the most typical but probably, the most precise meaning, as it qualifies love on its earnest sense. We usually use these words to express our feelings to the one we love. It defines everything about the attitude of love. This explains what the real meaning of love is. Love is unconditional.

    Love over money - Matthew 6:24

Money can make the world go round but God will be the most powerful source of all. In some instances, people are lured with the price and the prestige, but then again, these are nothing with the blessings from The Almighty.
As said on Jessie J’s “Price Tag,” “Money can’t buy us happiness.” Although you are rich in material possessions, you can’t still have everything. Remember, money can’t buy the purest form of love. Love is priceless.

   Love your enemy - Luke 6:35

In as much as we dislike a person for all the things he/she has done against you, we still need to offer forgiveness.  Revenge can never satisfy men. We shall remember that doing bad things to the one who hurt us is like throwing gasoline to a fire; it will never do us any good. Have compassion. Whenever you feel anger seeping in, ask God for clarity and peace. Love forgives and understands.

Love for a friend - John 15:13

There are a lot of words to define our friends. But what is the best way to describe them? Friends are the ones who we can’t go without. We are so comfortable to show and tell everything. You both know the craziest things about each other. Truly, love for friendship surpasses self-doubts, fears, and loneliness. And with God, friendship is more than just having company but taking a bullet for your companions. Love is being a shoulder to lean on.

Love of God - John 3:16

He sacrificed Himself to save us from our sins. He accepted all the pains and punishments for us to be saved. God did that because of His unquestionable love for us. And that is more than enough to believe that He is Our Saviour. Love is sacrifice.

Love in return - Luke 6:31

   Pay it forward. Share what you have without asking something in return. Some may see it as ambitious, but through we can spread our impact for the world to see. Like what Sai Baba says: “Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.” Our lifetime may not be perfect but it sure never be worthless as long as we live an imprint that we lived a life that followed God’s will. 


It’s amazing that love can mean so much for us. Therefore, we cannot say that love can only suggest one thing. God loves us in many ways and teaches us the goodness that love can bring; it is up to us to see their worth. 


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